It's the Coming Back that Counts

It's the Coming Back that Counts

A couple nights ago a friend texted me a picture of her notebook—the date of the last time she wrote (January 26th) and then the current date underneath. She said, “sometimes it takes a month to come back to writing.” I sent raised hand and salsa dancing emojis (of course) and then “it’s the coming back that counts.” As soon as I wrote those words, I knew they were for me just as much as they were for her.

14 on Friday: What Migraines Have Given Me

14 on Friday: What Migraines Have Given Me

Last weekend I was in bed twice with headaches (and the anxiety they bring that they might turn into migraines). One did, but luckily didn’t last as long as most. Once it cleared, I started thinking about how my view of migraines has evolved over the last 7 or so years, how when it hits the tipping point from “headache” to “migraine,” I’ve learned to let go of the fight and to listen for the lesson.

Write + Release

Write + Release

In my last post, I wrote about writing and not writing (or feeling like I’m not writing) and how a lot of what I write lives in my phone or notebook and how that feels kinda crappy.

When I was a teacher, I subscribed to the belief that kids should write far more than teachers could grade. As a writer, a similar belief holds true: I should be writing far more than what I put out in the world.

That being said, getting stuff out in the world is also important.